Language: SubTypes: Total Strings: 1446

String IDString ValueComment
warning_import_locationsWarning - Import LocationsWarning - Import Locations
warning_duplicate_locationWarning if you proceed with this then it will create a duplicate location 
warning_duplicate_existing_locationIf you would like to edit the existing location then please edit this location from Edit 
view_current_locationView Current LocationView Current Location
validation_username_requiredPlease enter a valueA username most be specified
validation_password_requiredPlease enter password.A password must be specified
validation_password_patternAt least 1 special charecterAt least 1 special charecter
validation_password_minlengthPlease enter at least 8 characters with one special characterPlease enter at least 8 characters with one special character
validation_emailPlease enter valid Email 
validation_api_keyPlease enter API keyPlease enter API key
user_email_requestYour request has been submitted and your email should arrive shortly.User Email requset
update_estimateUpdate EstimatesUpdate Estimates
unused_inventoryUnused InventoryUnused Inventory
unselect_allUnselect AllUnselect All
unauthorizedYou are not authorized to view the requested page.unauthorized
tsse_report_label_trip_stateTrip StateTrip State
tsse_report_label_trip_nameTrip NameTrip Name
tsse_report_label_trip_idTrip IDTrip ID
tsse_report_label_stop_locationStop LocationStop Location
tsse_report_label_sensor_rangeSensor RangeSensor Range
tsse_report_label_reference_numberReference NumberReference Number
tsse_report_label_next_arrival_timeNext Arrival TimeNext Arrival Time
tsse_report_label_next_arrival_temperatureNext Arrival TemperatureNext Arrival Temperature
tsse_report_label_next_arrival_locationNext Arrival LocationNext Arrival Location
tsse_report_label_mkt_completed_tripMKT Completed TripMKT Completed Trip
tsse_report_label_logger_numberLogger NumberLogger Number
tsse_report_label_is_tripstop_departureIs Trip Stop DepartureIs Trip Stop Departure
tsse_report_label_is_trip_stop_next_arrivalIs Trip Stop Next ArrivalIs Trip Stop Next Arrival
tsse_report_label_in_transit_mktIn Transit MKTIn Transit MKT
tsse_report_label_in_transit_minutesIn Transit MinutesIn Transit Minutes
tsse_report_label_in_transit_min_tempIn Transit Min TempIn Transit Min Temp
tsse_report_label_in_transit_max_tempIn Transit Max TempIn Transit Max Temp
tsse_report_label_in_transit_light_alert_countIn Transit Light Alert CountIn Transit Light Alert Count
tsse_report_label_in_transit_below_alert_countIn Transit BELOW Temp Alert CountIn Transit BELOW Temp Alert Count
tsse_report_label_in_transit_avg_tempIn Transit Avg TempIn Transit Avg Temp
tsse_report_label_in_transit_above_alert_countIn Transit ABOVE Temp Alert CountIn Transit ABOVE Temp Alert Count
tsse_report_label_device_idDevice IDDevice ID
tsse_report_label_departure_timeDeparture TimeDeparture Time
tsse_report_label_departure_temperatureDeparture TemperatureDeparture Temperature
tsse_report_label_departure_locationDeparture LocationDeparture Location
tsse_report_label_at_stop_mktAt Stop MKTAt Stop MKT
tsse_report_label_at_stop_minutesAt Stop MinutesAt Stop Minutes
tsse_report_label_at_stop_min_tempAt Stop Min TempAt Stop Min Temp
tsse_report_label_at_stop_max_tempAt Stop Max TempAt Stop Max Temp
tsse_report_label_at_stop_light_alert_countAt Stop Light Alert CountAt Stop Light Alert Count
tsse_report_label_at_stop_below_temp_alert_countAt Stop BELOW Temp Alert CountAt Stop BELOW Temp Alert Count
tsse_report_label_at_stop_avg_tempAt Stop Avg TempAt Stop Avg Temp
tsse_report_label_at_stop_above_temp_alert_countAt Stop ABOVE Temp Alert CountAt Stop ABOVE Temp Alert Count
TripState_Pending_Not_ActivatedPending Not ActivatedTrip State Pending Not Activated
TripState_Pending_ActivatedPending ActivatedTrip State Pending Activated
TripStartOption_EstimatedStart on estimate, regardless of locationStart on estimate, regardless of location
TripLateStatus_ArrivedOnTimeOn TimeTripLateStatus ArrivedOnTime
TripLateStatus_ArrivedLateLateTripLateStatus ArrivedLate
tripendsummary_report_trip_durationTrip Duration (DD:HH:MM)Trip Duration (DD:HH:MM)
tripendsummary_report_start_differenceStart Difference (DD:HH:MM)Start Difference (DD:HH:MM)
tripendsummary_report_end_differenceEnd Difference (DD:HH:MM)End Difference (DD:HH:MM)
tripendsummary_report_actual_endActual EndActual End
tripendsummary_report_actual_beginActual BeginActual Begin
TripEndOption_EstimatedEnd on estimate, regardless of locationTripEndOption
trip_tripactualstarttimeTrip Actual Start TimeTrip: Trip Actual Start Time
trip_tripactualendtimeTrip Actual End TimeTrip: Trip Actual End Time
trip_stopsTrip StopsTrip Stops - Text
trip_status_unassigedNot LaunchedNot Launched
trip_status_codesTrip StatusTrip Status
trip_status_closedClosed TripsClosed Trips
trip_state_in_progressIn ProgressIn Progress
trip_distance_range_validationDistance must be between 0 and 999Distance must be between 0 and 999
trip_destinationShipment Destinationshipment destination
trip_deleted_successfullyTrip Deleted successfullyDelete Trip Success Text
trip_actual_start_timeTrip Actual Start TimeTrip Actual Start Time
trip_actual_end_timeTrip Actual End TimeTrip Actual End Time
TrackerStatusType_MultitripMultiTrip Serial #sMultiTrip Serial #s
TrackerStatusType_InProgressMultiTripMultiTrip Serial #s with a trip In Progress/ PendingMultiTrip Serial #s with a trip In Progress/ Pending
TrackerStatusType_InActiveInactive Serial #sInactive Serial #s
TrackerStatusType_ActiveActive Serial #s without a trip assignedActive Serial #s without a trip assigned
tracker_stateTracker StateTracker State (header for section showing current shipment information)
total_time_out_of_rangeTotal Time Out Of Rangetotal time a sensor value (e.g. temperature) was above or below the expected range
total_time_below_warningTotal Time Below WarningTotal Time Below Warning
total_time_below_rangeTotal Time Below Rangetotal time a sensor value (e.g. temperature) was below the expected range
total_time_below_criticalTotal Time Below CriticalTotal Time Below Critical
total_time_above_warningTotal Time Above WarningTotal Time Above Warning
total_time_above_rangeTotal Time Above Rangetotal time a sensor value (e.g. temperature) was above the expected range
total_time_above_criticalTotal Time Above CriticalTotal Time Above Critical
total_recordsTotal RecordsMessage: Total Records
tooltip_tripstate_emailEmail Trip State reportEmail Trip State report
tooltip_toggle_mapclusteringToggle Map TrackersToggle map clustering
tooltip_start_optionThe start option determines how a shipment starts, whether based on location (default) or an estimated start time.Tooltip for Start Shipment
tooltip_mapviewExpand to Full Map ViewExpand to Full Map View
tooltip_mapcluster_buttonDisplay the number of trackers that are clustered in the same areaCluster Tool Tip
tooltip_end_optionThe end option determines how a shipment completes, whether based on location (default) or an estimated end time.Tooltip for End Shipment
tooltip_download_sensordata_pdfDownload sensor data in PDF formatDownload sensor data in PDF format
tooltip_download_route_deviation_pdfDownload Route Deviation Exception in pdf formatDownload Route Deviation Exception in pdf format
tooltip_download_locations_excelDownload locations in excel formatDownload locations in excel format Text
tooltip_download_calibration_statement_pdfDownload Calibration Statement in pdf formatDownload Calibration Statement in pdf format
tooltip_downlaod_sensordata_excelDownload sensor data in excel formatDownload sensor data in excel format
tooltip_downlaod_listdata_excelDownload list view in excel formatDownload list view in excel format
tooltip_createshipment_disabledCreate shipment disabled messageCreate shipment disabled message
tooltip_closeshipment_disabledClose shipment disabled messageClose shipment disabled message
ToToDistance to, as in From point A To point B
timeline_notenteredNot EnteredTimeline Not Entered
timeline_enteredEnteredTimeline Entered
timelineTimelineTimeline (header for section showing event history)
time_PMPMTimepicker period format PM
time_MMMMTimepicker minutes format MM
time_HHHHTimepicker hours format HH
time_AMAMTimepicker period format AM
tes_report_label_trip_nameTrip NameTrip Name
tes_report_label_trip_durationTrip Duration (DD:HH:MM)Trip Duration (DD:HH:MM)
tes_report_label_trip_countTrip CountTrip Count
tes_report_label_total_trip_durationTotal Trip Duration(DD:HH:MM)Total Trip Duration(DD:HH:MM)
tes_report_label_total_end_differenceTotal End Difference(DD:HH:MM)Total End Difference(DD:HH:MM)
tes_report_label_start_differenceStart Difference (DD:HH:MM)Start Difference (DD:HH:MM)
tes_report_label_low_temp_caution_countLow Temp Caution CountLow Temp Caution Count
tes_report_label_low_temp_alert_countLow Temp Alert CountLow Temp Alert Count
tes_report_label_high_temp_caution_countHigh Temp Caution CountHigh Temp Caution Count
tes_report_label_high_temp_alert_countHigh Temp Alert CountHigh Temp Alert Count
tes_report_label_end_differenceEnd Difference (DD:HH:MM)End Difference (DD:HH:MM)
tes_report_label_avg_trip_durationAvg Trip Duration(DD:HH:MM)Avg Trip Duration(DD:HH:MM)
tes_report_label_avg_low_temp_caution_countAvg Low Temp Caution CountAvg Low Temp Caution Count
tes_report_label_avg_low_temp_alert_countAvg Low Temp Alert CountAvg Low Temp Alert Count
tes_report_label_avg_high_temp_caution_countAvg High Temp Caution CountAvg High Temp Caution Count
tes_report_label_avg_high_temp_alert_countAvg High Temp Alert CountAvg High Temp Alert Count
tes_report_label_avg_end_differenceAvg End Difference(DD:HH:MM)Avg End Difference(DD:HH:MM)
tes_report_label_actual_endActual EndActual End
tes_report_label_actual_beginActual BeginActual Begin
tes_report_headerTrip End SummaryTrip End Summary
tes_chart_headerTrip End SummaryTrip End Summary
template_update_successTemplate updated successfullyTemplate updated successfully
template_name_requiredTemplate Name RequiredTemplate Name Required - Text
template_descriptionOrigin, destination, and cargo will prepopulate for future shipmentsOrigin, destination, and cargo will prepopulate for future shipments
template_delete_successTemplate deleted successfullyTemplate deleted successfully
template_create_successTemplate created successfullyTemplate created successfully
temperature_rangesTemperature RangesTemperature Ranges
temperature_range_requiredTemperature Range Requireda temperature range must be specified
temperature_informationTemperature InformationTitle for section showing temperature information
temp_F°Fdegrees farenheit
temp_C°Cdegrees celsius/centigrade
switch_to_paksenseSwitch to LoggersSwitch to Loggers
switch_to_oversight1Switch to Oversight 1.0Navigate to the previous version of the web site
suspend_resume_alertsSuspend/Resume Alertsbutton to suspend or resume alerts
suspend_all_alertsSuspend All AlertsSuspend All Alerts
suspend_alerts_location_basedYou can suspend alerts based on locationYou can suspend alerts based on location
suspend_alerts_infoYou resume alerts at anytime by unchecking the boxYou resume alerts at anytime by unchecking the box
suspend_alertsSuspend AlertsSuspend Alerts (prevent new alerts from generating)
supress_alertsSuspend AlertsSuspend Alerts (prevent new alerts from generating)
suppress_alerts_at_locationSuppress alert for vehicles at this locationSuppress alert for vehicles at this location
state_name_requiredValueState Name RequiredState Name Required
state_name_requiredState Name RequiredState Name Required
start_location_name_requiredStart Location Name RequiredA departure location must be specified
start_date_requiredStart Date/Time RequiredStart Date/Time Required
standard_dev_temp_headerTemp Std DevTemp Standard Deviation Header
standard_dev_probe_headerProbe Temp Std DevProbe Temp Standard Deviation Header
standard_dev_humidity_headerHumidity Std DevHumidity Standard Deviation Header
standard_dev_fuel_level_headerFuel Level Std DevFuel Level Standard Deviation Header
standard_dev_carbon_headerCO2 Std DevCarbon Dioxide Standard Deviation Header
signin_termsAndConditionsHelpTipPlease accept terms and conditions to proceed!Please accept terms and conditions to proceed!
shutdown_tracker_successfullyTracker is shut down successfullyTracker is shut down successfully
show_routeShow RouteShow trip route on map
show_distanceShow Distancebutton to show the distance between two points
shipment_updated_successfullyShipment updated successfullyconfirmation message when user successfully created a trip/shipment
shipment_template_name_requiredPlease enter shipment template name or click No if you do not want to save as a new template.Shipment Template Name required
shipment_template_nameShipment Template NameShipment Template Name
shipment_template_and_shipment_created_successShipment Template and Shipment Created SuccessfullyShipment Template and Shipment Created Successfully
shipment_statusShipment StatusShipment Status
shipment_startedShipment StartedShipment Started
shipment_routeShipment RouteMessage: Shipment Route
shipment_name_requiredShipment Name RequiredA shipment must be specified
shipment_name_numberSerial # / Shipment NameSerial # / Shipment Name Quick Search
shipment_nameShipment NameShipment Name (name assigned to this trip)
shipment_InformationShipment InformationTitle for section showing shipment information
shipment_endShipment EndShipment End
shipment_durationShipment DurationTotal time from trip begin to trip end
shipment_detailsShipment DetailsShipment Details
shipment_created_successfullyShipment created successfullySuccess message when shipment crated
share_with_customer_requiredShare With Customer RequiredShare With Customer Required - Text
session_expiredYour session has expired.Your session has expired. (timed out due to inactivity)
serial_requiredEmerson Serial # RequiredA tracker serial number must be specified
serial_numberSerial #Serial #
SensorType_TiltSwitchTiltTilt Sensor
SensorType_Temperature_reportTempSensor Type temp report header
SensorType_ShockSensorShock SensorShock Sensor
SensorType_ShockDetectedShock DetectedShock Detected
SensorType_ProbeTempProbe TemperatureAlert Probe Temperature
SensorType_FuelLevelFuel LevelFuel Level
SensorType_CarbonDioxideCarbon DioxideCarbon Dioxide
sensordescription_temperatureTemperature SensorSensor description: Temperature
sensordescription_probetempProbe Temp SensorSensor description: Probe Temp
sensordescription_humidityHumidity SensorSensor description: Humidity
sensordescription_fuellevelFuel Level SensorSensor description: Fuel Level
sensordescription_carbondioxideCO2 SensorSensor description: CO2
sensor_requiredSensor RequiredA sensor (temperature, etc) must be specified
sensor_report_headerSensor ReportReport header: Sensor Report
sensor_range_nameSensor Range Namefriendly name assigned to a temperature range (e.g. "Blueberries" for 5°C to 9°C)
sensor_rangeSensor RangeSensor Range Header
select_vehicleSelect Shipmentselect shipment
select_temperature_rangeSelect Temperature RangeSelect Temperature Range
select_probtempSelect Prob TempSelect Prob Temp
select_origin_from_listSelect Origin from populated listSelect Origin from populated list
select_option_DefaultDefaultSelect Default
select_location_name_requiredPlease select LocationPlease select Location
select_humiditySelect HumiditySelect Humidity
select_distinct_stop_location_from_origin_destinatOrigin/Destination locations can not be used as Trip Stop locationOrigin/Destination locations can not be used as Trip Stop location
select_distinct_origin_locationPlease select distinct Origin LocationPlease select distinct Origin Location
select_distinct_origin_destination_from_stop_locatTrip Stops location can not be used as Origin/Destination locationTrip Stops location can not be used as Origin/Destination location
select_distinct_origin_destinationOrigin and Destination can not be the sameOrigin and Destination can not be the same
select_distinct_location_name_requiredPlease Select Distinct Location 
select_distinct_locationPlease select Distinct stop locationPlease select Distinct stop location
select_distinct_destination_locationPlease select distinct Destination LocationPlease select distinct Destination Location
select_destination_from_listSelect Destination from populated listSelect Destination from populated list
select_condition_for_alertsSelect one or both conditions for resuming alerts:Select one or both conditions for resuming alerts:
select_co2Select CO2Select CO2
select_allSelect AllSelect All
search_vehicle_locationSearch Shipment Locationsearch shipment location
search_time_zoneSearch Time ZoneSelect your time zone from the list of time zones (e.g. Eastern Standard Time)
search_shipment_templateSearch Shipment TemplateSearch Shipment Template
searchSearchSearch for vehicle
scheduled_start_timeScheduled Start TimeScheduled Departure Time
scheduled_end_timeScheduled End TimeScheduled Arrival Time
save_templateSave TemplateSave Template - Text
save_shipment_templateWould you like to save your shipment details as a template?Would you like to save your shipment details as a template
same_latitude_longitudeThe Locations(s) below were near the latitude/longitude coordinates 
route_name_requiredRoute Name RequiredRoute Name Required
route_deleted_successfullyRoute Deleted successfullyRoute Deleted successfully
route_created_successfullyRoute created successfullyRoute created successfully
resume_alertsResume AlertsResume Alerts (stop suspending alerts)
reset_zoomReset ZoomMap reset zoom
reset_password_successfullyA temporary password has been sent to the email provided. Please contact if you have any questions.  
reset_alerts_upon_entryReset Alerts Upon EntryReset Alerts Upon Entry
report_type_UndefinedUndefined Undefined
report_type_TripStopSummaryExtendedReportTrip Stop Summary Extended ReportTrip Stop Summary Extended Report
report_type_TripEndSummaryTrip End SummaryTrip End Summary Report
report_type_InProgressShipmentIn Progress ShipmentIn Progress Shipment Report
report_type_InboundOutboundReportInbound Outbound ReportInbound Outbound Report
report_type_FleetCurrentStatusFleet Current StatusFleet Current Status
report_type_DefaultDefault Default
report_type_ComprehensiveTripReportComprehensive Trip ReportComprehensive Trip Report
report_type_AlertTrackerFleetAlert Summary Alert Summary
report_type_AlertStatusAlert StatusAlert Status
report_too_largeThe report you requested is too large to send via email. Please re-run report with criteria that will generate a smaller report.The report you requested is too large to send via email.
report_time_requiredPlease select at least one hour to run the reportReport Time Required Message
report_name_requiredReport Name RequiredReport Name Required
report_min_max_valuesReport Minimum/Maximum Y-Axis ValuesReport Minimum/Maximum Y-Axis Values
report_header_sensorchartSensor ChartSensor Chart
report_day_requiredPlease select at least one day to run the reportReport day required message
reopenReopenReopen (button to reopen a panel)
radio_set_manuallySet ManuallySet Manually
radio_set_automaticallySet AutomaticallySet Automatically
probe_low_critical_temperatureProbe Low Critical Temperature Probe Low Critical Temperature
probe_high_critical_temperatureProbe High Critical TemperatureProbe High Critical Temperature
previousPreviousNavigate to previous page
po_requiredPO # RequiredPO # Required
plate_numberPlate NumberPlate Number
period_YesterdayYesterdayYesterday - TimePeriod
period_TripCurrent ShipmentCurrent Shipment - TimePeriod
period_TodayTodayToday - TimePeriod
period_ThisYearThis YearThis Year - TimePeriod
period_ThisWeekThis WeekThis Week - TimePeriod
period_ThisMonthThis MonthThis Month - TimePeriod
period_SpecificRangeSpecific RangeSpecific Range - TimePeriod
period_NoneNoneTime period: No specific time period
period_LastWeekLast WeekLast Week - TimePeriod
period_LastTwoWeeksLast Two WeeksLast Two Weeks - TimePeriod
period_LastMonthLast MonthLast Month - TimePeriod
period_Last90DaysLast 90 DaysTime period: Last 90 Days
period_Last7DaysLast 7 DaysLast 7 Days - TimePeriod
period_Last30DaysOfActivityLast 30 Days of ActivityTime period: Last 30 Days of Activity
period_Last30DaysLast 30 DaysLast 30 Days - TimePeriod
period_AllAllAll - TimePeriod
pendingPendingTrips that are pending (configured but not started)
password_match_errorPasswords do not match 
originsOriginsShipment origin locations
origin_name_requiredOrigin Name RequiredOrigin Name Required
originOriginShipment origin location
openedOpenedThe time when the alert condition was detected
not_movingNot MovingNot Moving (filter for shipments that are currently stopped)
not_applicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
No_Valid_TrackersNo valid trackers are available for creating new tripNo valid trackers are available
no_shipments_availableNo Shipments AvailableNo Shipments Available
no_shipment_definedNo Shipment DefinedNo shipment/trip configuration found
no_reports_scheduledNo Reports ScheduledNo Reports Scheduled
no_records_foundThere hasn't been any activity during the specified periodThere hasn't been any activity during the specified period
no_data_availableNo data availableNo data available
no_contacts_assignedNo Contacts AssignedNo Contacts Assigned - Text
no_alert_suppressionNo Alert SuppressionMessage: No Alert Suppression
nextNextNavigate to next page
multitrip_invalid_selected_trackerThe tracker is currently assigned to a trip. Please close the current trip if you would like to use this tracker on a new trip.Serail number that was selected is not available for create shipment selection
movingMovingMoving (filter for shipments that are not currently stopped)
minimum_temp_value_headerMinimum TempMinimum Temp Header
minimum_probe_headerMinimum Probe TempMinimum Probe Temp Header
minimum_humidity_headerMinimum Humidity Minimum Humidity header
minimum_fuel_level_headerMinimum Fuel LevelMinimum Fuel Level Header
minimum_carbon_headerMinimum CO2Minimum Carbon Dioxide Header
min_value_requiredMin Value requiredMin Value required
min_value_labelMin ValueMin Value
min_max_chart_titleSet Min/Max Y-Axis Chart ValuesSet Min/Max Y-Axis Chart Values
message_warn_duplicate_locationWarning Matching locations already existsWarning Message for duplicate locations
message_tracker_shutdown_successfullyTracker is shut down successfullyTracker is shut down successfully
message_tracker_shutdown_FailedTracker shut down failedTracker shut down failed
message_successfully_imported_locationsSuccessfully Imported LocationsSuccessfully Imported Locations
message_subject_requiredSubject RequiredMessage Subject Required
message_shutdown_trackerDo you want to shutdown tracker?Do you want to shutdown tracker?
message_shipment_share_with_BruleThe selected shared with customer does not support optional fieldsThe selected shared with customer does not support optional fields
message_shipment_created_processingShipment created successfully and may take up to two minutes to display in the List View.Shipment processing
message_report_type_requiredPlease Select Report TypeReport Type Required
message_premium_request_successThank you for upgrading to our Premium Dashboard. Someone from our Cargo Analytics team will reach out to you within 48 business hours. Please contact if you have any questions.Premium request success - Text
message_override_customer_defaults_warningOnly enter a value if you want to override customer defaultsWarning message to override customer defaults
message_no_recipients_foundNo recipients foundNo recipients found
message_no_locations_in_importedFileThe selected file contains no valid LocationsFile contains no locations
message_no_location_origin_in_importedFileThere is no location origin to importThere is no location origin to import
message_no_location_number_in_importedFileThere is no location number to importThere is no location number to import
message_no_latlonNo lat/lon valuesNo lat/lon values
message_missing_usernameUser name was not specifiedUser name was not specified
message_missing_passwordA new password was not specifiedA new password was not specified
message_location_category_requiredLocation Category is requiredLocation Category is required
message_listview_limitThe results are capped at 1,000 trackers. Results that include more than 1,000 trackers will default to the newest trackers.Historical Tracker Limit
message_link_alert_expiredThe Link has expiredLink has expired
message_invalidcredentialsAn invalid user name and/or password was specifiedAn invalid user name and/or password was specified
message_imported_file_invalid_templateThe imported location(s) file has invalid formatImport has invalid Format
message_import_locations_no_exceptionsPlease review the list of locations and click Submit Locations to complete the import process.Please review the list of locations and click Submit Locations to complete the import process.
message_import_locations_has_updatesOne or more of the locations in the import will be updated. Please click submit if you would like to update the locations.Import locations contains updates
message_import_locations_has_exceptions_new<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{exceptions}}"/> of the <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{totalRecords}}"/> locations are invalid. Please fix or remove the invalid locations in your file and reimport. 
message_import_locations_has_exceptionsOne or more of the locations in the import is showing an exception which is blocking the entire import from updating any locations. Please update the locations with exceptions and then reimport any locations that need to be updated or deleted.{no of exceptions} of the {total} locations are invalid. Please fix or remove the invalid locations in your file and reimport.
message_escalation_level_create_successEscalation Levels created successfullyEscalation Levels created successfully
message_escalation_level_create_failedEscalation Levels creation failedEscalation Levels creation failed
message_delete_tripDo you want to delete the trip?Delete Trip Conirm Text
message_delete_successContact deleted successfullyContact deleted successfully
message_delete_routeDo you want to delete the routeDo you want to delete the route
message_contact_notification_create_successContact notification created successfullyContact notification created successfully
message_contact_notification_create_FailedContact notification creation failedContact notification creation failed
message_closeshipment_nonmultitripAre you sure you want to close the shipment? If yes, the shipment will change to Completed status and the tracker will deactivate.Close shipment non multi trip
message_closeshipment_multitrip Are you sure you want to close the shipment? If yes, the shipment will change to Completed status and you can create a new shipment.Close shipment multi trip
message_body_requiredMessage RequiredEmail Body Required
message_app_retired_titleApp Retired 
message_app_retired_textThis mobile application is no longer updated and starting July 11th of 2022 will no longer be available in the store. Please uninstall this application and download our new Emerson GO Reader mobile application.This mobile application is no longer updated and starting July 11th of 2022 will no longer be available in the store. Please uninstall this application and download our new Emerson GO Reader mobile application.
message_alert_type_create_successAlert Types created successfullyAlert Types created successfully
message_alert_type_create_failedAlert Types creation failedAlert Types creation failed
mean_kinetic_temperature_headerMKTMean kinetic Temperature header
mean_kinetic_temperatureMean Kinetic TemperatureMean Kinetic Temperature (aka MKT)
may_contain_confidentialThis e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. If you think you have received this e-mail in error, please advise the sender by clicking here and then delete this e-mail immediately.This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information.
maximum_temp_value_headerMaximum TempMaximum Temp Header
maximum_temp_headerMaximum Temp Maximum Temp header
maximum_probe_headerMaximum Probe TempMaximum Probe Temp Header
maximum_humidity_headerMaximum Humidity Maximum Humidity header
maximum_geo_fenceThe maximum number of fence posts supported is 15The maximum number of fence posts supported is 15
maximum_fuel_level_headerMaximum Fuel LevelMaximum Fuel Level Header
maximum_carbon_headerMaximum CO2Maximum Carbon Dioxide Header
max_value_requiredMax Value requiredMax Value required
max_value_labelMax ValueMax Value
max_value_errorMax Value must be greater than Min ValueMax Value must be greater than Min Value
max_value_erroMax Value must be greater than Min ValueMax Value must be greater than Min Value
max_value_below_rangeMax Low TempMax below range value
max_value_above_rangeMax High TempMax above range value
max_time_below_warningMax Time Below WarningMax Time Below Warning
max_time_below_rangeMax Time Below RangeMaximum time below range: longest amount of time that a sensor value (e.g. temperature) was below the expected range
max_time_below_criticalMax Time Below CriticalMax Time Below Critical
max_time_above_warningMax Time Above WarningMax Time Above Warning
max_time_above_rangeMax Time Above RangeMaximum time above range: longest amount of time that a sensor value (e.g. temperature) was above the expected range
max_time_above_criticalMax Time Above CriticalMax Time Above Critical
low_warning_temperatureLow Warning TemperatureLow Warning Temperature (warning alert sent if temperature drops below this value)
low_warning_criticalLow Warning / CriticalLow warning/critical (e.g. temperature is low, below a low warning or critical threshold)
low_warningLow WarningLow warning (e.g. temperature is low, below a low warning threshold)
low_critical_temperatureLow Critical TemperatureLow Critical Temperature (critical alert sent if temperature drops below this value)
low_critical_requiredLow critical requiredLow critical required
low_critical_humidityLow Critical HumidityLow Critical Humidity
low_critical_co2Low Critical CO2Low Critical CO2
low_critical_alert_countLow Critical Alert Countnumber of alerts generated due to sensor value below the low critical threshold
low_criticalLow CriticalLow critical (e.g. temperature is very low, below a low critical threshold)
longitude_requiredLongitude RequiredLongitude Required Validation Message
longitude_range_validationLongitude should be between -180 and 180Longitude Validation Message
location_type_UndefinedUndefined Location TypeUndefined Location Type
location_type_rdcRe-Distribution Center(RDC)Re-Distribution Center(RDC)
location_type_post_dc_deliveryPost-DC DeliveryPost-DC Delivery Location Type
location_type_fishing_areaFishing AreaFishing Area Location Type
location_type_dcDistribution Center(DC)Distribution Center(DC) Location Type
location_type_cargo_yardCargo YardCargo Yard Location Type
location_type_boat_dockBoat DockBoat Dock Location Type
location_ship_to_inventory_toolShip To - Inventory Tool 
location_numberLocation NumberLocation Number
location_name_requiredValueLocation Name RequiredLocation Name Required
location_name_requiredLocation Name RequiredLocation Name Required
location_descriptionLocation DescriptionLocation Description
location_contact_workContact WorkContact Work
location_contact_last_nameContact Last NameContact Last Name
location_contact_first_nameContact First NameContact First Name
location_contact_emailContact EmailContact Email
location_acc_nameAcct NameAcct Name
link_upgrade_dashboardUpgrade your dashboardUpgrade your dashboard Text
link_updatepasswordUpdate PasswordAction button: Update Password
link_updateUpdateUpdate (button to update current settings)
link_training_centerTraining CenterTraining Center
link_toggle_domain_to_non_chinaSwitch to site for users outside of ChinaSwitch to site for users outside of China
link_toggle_domain_to_chinaSwitch to site for users in ChinaSwitch to site for users in China
link_terms_conditionsI agree to Emerson <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a"/>Terms and Conditions<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a"/>Terms and conditions link
link_switch_languageSwitch languageSwitch language Link
link_supress_alertsSuspend AlertsSuspend Alerts
link_submit_create_newSubmit + Create NewSubmit + Create New
link_start_dateStart DateStart Date
link_signoutSign OutAction button: Sign Out
link_signin_uppercaseSIGN INSign In (upper case)
link_signinSign InAction button: Sign In
link_show_addressShow AddressShow Address
link_shipment_managementShipment ManagementShipment Management
link_select_languageSelect LanguageSelect Language
link_select_customerSelect CustomerSelect Customer
link_search_destinationsSearch DestinationsSearch Destinations
link_scheduled_startScheduled StartScheduled Start
link_scheduled_endScheduled EndScheduled End
link_schedule_reportsSchedule ReportsMenu item Schedule Reports
link_schedule_new_reportSchedule New ReportSchedule New Report
link_save_default_filterSave as DefaultSave as Default
link_route_managementRoute ManagementRoute Management
link_route_exception_reportRoute Exception ReportRoute Exception Report
link_route_editorRoute EditorRoute Editor Link
link_route_deviationRoute DeviationRoute Deviation
link_resume_alertsResume AlertsResume Alerts
link_resetpasswordReset Password 
link_ReplayTraxxReplay TraxxReplay Traxx
link_okOkOk (button for Ok)
link_new_icons_headerOversight 2 New Map Icons 
link_mapviewMap ViewMap View
link_manage_locationsCreate/Edit LocationsCreate or Edit Locations
link_manage_dashboardsManage Dashboards 
link_manage_customer_dashboardManage Customer Dashboards 
link_main_menuMain MenuMain Menu
link_location_managementLocation ManagementLocation Management
link_listviewList ViewList View
link_import_locations_templateDownload TemplateDownload Template
link_import_locationsImport LocationsImport Locations
link_icon_infoIcon InfoIcon Info
link_hybridviewHybrid ViewHybrid View
link_historicalHistoricalHistorical List View Link
link_generate_reportsGenerate ReportsGenerate Reports
link_forgotpasswordForgot Password 
link_faqFAQFrequently Asked Questions
link_export_locationsExport Locations 
link_expired_messageThis link has expired, please login or enter the 10-digit serial number in the Track your shipment box below. Contact <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a"/> if you need further assistance.Link Expired
link_expiredLink ExpiredLink Expired
link_end_tripEnd ShipmentEnd Shipment
link_end_dateEnd DateEnd Date
link_edit_stopEdit StopEdit Stop
link_edit_shipmentsEdit ShipmentsEdit Shipments
link_edit_shipment_viewsEdit Shipment ViewsEdit Shipment Views
link_edit_shipmentEdit ShipmentEdit Shipment
link_edit_locationsEdit LocationsEdit Locations
link_downloadDownload ErrorDownload Error
link_delete_stopDelete StopDelete Stop
link_delete_contactDelete ContactDelete Contact
link_deleteDeleteDelete Text
link_dashboardDashboardPanel of user controls
link_Customer_Dashboard_SettingsCustomer Dashboard Settings 
link_createshipmentCreate ShipmentAction button: Create Shipment
link_contactContact UsAction button: Contact Us
link_compare_traxxCompare TraxxCompare Traxx
link_close_listClose ListClose List
link_clear_allClear AllClear All
link_changepasswordChange PasswordChange Password
link_cancelCancelCancel (button to cancel current task)
link_bulletinCustomer BulletinCustomer Bulletin
link_api_managementAPI ManagementAPI Management
link_alert_managementAlert ManagementAlert Management
link_adminEmerson AdminInternal user (not customer facing)
link_add_new_stopAdd New StopAdd New Stop
latitude_requiredLatitude RequiredLatitude Required Validatin Message
latitude_range_validationLatitude should be between -90 and 90Latitude Validation Message
lateLateLate (filter for shipments that are running behind schedule)
last_reported_timeLast Reported TimeLast Reported Time (last time the tracker reported its temperature/position)
last_reported_tempLast Reported TempLast Reported Temperature
last_reported_proximityLast Reported Distance 
last_reported_probe_temperatureLast Reported Probe TemperatureLast Reported Probe Temperature - Text
last_reported_locationLast Reported LocationLocation last reported by the tracker
last_reported_humidityLast Reported HumidityLast Reported Humidity - Text
last_reported_co2Last Reported CO2Last Reported CO2 - Text
last_name_requiredLast Name RequiredLast Name Required Message
lastLastNavigate to last page
lane_descriptionLane DescriptionName to describe the trucking lane
label_work_phoneWork PhoneWork Phone
label_vehicle_groupAlert GroupingGroup of alert settings
label_updateshipment_titleUpdate ShipmentUpdate Shipment Text
label_updatedUpdatedUpdated - Text
label_update_locationUpdate LocationUpdate Location Label
label_update_dashboardUpdate Dashboard 
label_update_contactUpdate ContactUpdate Contact - Text
label_update_all_addressesUpdate All AddressesUpdate All Addresses Label Text
label_unit_cannot_connect_to_towerUnit cannot connect to cell tower 
label_unassign_dashboardUn-Assign Dashboard 
label_un_assign_messageAre you sure you want to un-assign this contact?Are you sure you want to un-assign this contact? - Text
label_un_assign_location_contactUn-Assign Location ContactUn-Assign Location Contact - Text
label_un_assign_dashboard_messageAre you sure you want to un-assign the dashboard? 
label_un_assignUn-AssignUn-Assign - Text
label_truck_ontime_tracker_stoppedTracker Stopped 
label_truck_ontime_tracker_movingTracker Moving 
label_truck_late_tracker_stoppedTruck late - tracker stopped 
label_truck_late_tracker_movingTruck late - tracker moving 
label_trip_statusShipment StatusStatus of shipment
label_trip_reportTrip ReportTrip Report
label_trip_nameTrip NameTrip Name
label_trip_completedTrip completed 
label_trigger_distance_kilometersEnd of Trip Trigger Distance(KM)End of Trip Trigger Distance(KM)
label_trigger_distance_go_trackersTrip Trigger Distance For GO TrackersTrip Trigger Distance For GO Trackers
label_trigger_distanceEnd of Trip Trigger Distance(M)End of Trip Trigger Distance(M)
label_traxx_go_onlyTraxx Go OnlyTraxx Go Only
label_trackshipmentTrack your Shipment...Action button: Track your Shipment...
label_trackerlookup_titleTrack Your ShipmentTrack Your Shipment
label_trackerlookup_placeholderEnter Your GO number(s) here.Enter Go Tracker Numbers
label_tracker_typeTracker TypeTracker Type
label_tracker_serial_numberTracker Serial NumberTracker serial number
label_tracker_reported_location_create_shipmentTracker reported at a location setup through Create ShipmentTracker reported at a location setup through Create Shipment
label_tracker_reported_locationTracker reported at a location setup in OversightTracker reported at a location setup in Oversight
label_tracker_estimated_location_coordinatesTracker estimated location coordinatesTracker estimated location coordinates
label_tracker_complete_deactivatedTracker completed device deactivated 
label_totalrecordsListingListing X of X
label_top_high_temp_device_listList of Top 50 devices with highest temperatureList of Top 50 devices with highest temperature
label_times_of_dayTime(s) of the dayTime(s) of the day label
label_time_seriesShipment/Temperature Time SeriesShipment/Temperature Time Series
label_time_periodTime PeriodTime Period
label_time_formatTime FormatTime Format
label_Template_nameTemplate NameTemplate Name - Text
label_temperature_rangeTemperature RangeTemperature Range
label_temperature_below_rangeTemperature below range 
label_temperature_alert_detectedTemperature alert detected 
label_temperature_above_rangeTemperature above rangeTemperature above range
label_temp_out_of_rangeOnly show out of temperature rangeOnly show out of temperature range
label_temp_histogramTemperature HistogramTemperature Histogram
label_temp_distributionMonthly Temperature DistributionMonthly Temperature Distribution
label_tech_supportFor technical support please call 1 (877) 998-7299.For technical support please call 1 (877) 998-7299
label_switchto_historicalClick Historical to view trackers older than 90 daysHistorical view message link
label_suppressed_alertsSuppressed AlertsSuppressed Alerts
label_supplier_traning_materialMandated ProgramsMandated Programs
label_successfully_importedSuccessfully Imported 
label_submit_locationsSubmit LocationsSave Locations
label_stopsStopsStops - Text
label_stop_location_nameStop Location NameStopLocation Name
label_start_optionStart OptionStart Option
label_start_free_trialStart Free Trial 
label_standard_dashboardStandard DashboardStandard Dashboard Text
label_sort_by_colonSort By:Sort By with :
label_sort_bySort BySort By
label_shut_down_trackerShutdown TrackerShutdown Tracker
label_showing_25_ofShowing 25 ofShowing 25 of
label_show_smart_tagsShow Smart TagsShow Smart Tags
label_show_sensor_range_background_colorShow Sensor Range Background ColorShow Sensor Range Background Color
label_show_only_deviationsShow Deviations OnlyShow Deviations Only
label_show_next_stop_infoShow next stop infoShow next stop info
label_show_location_background_colorShow Location Background ColorShow Location Background Color
label_show_inactiveShow InactiveShow Inactive
label_show_hidden_crumbsShow Hidden CrumbsShow Hidden Crumbs
label_show_geo_fenceShow Geo-Fence 
label_show_estimated_crumbsShow estimated location for all sensor information on the mapShow estimated location for all sensor information on the map
label_show_defined_routeShow Defined RouteShow Defined Route
label_show_breadcrumbs_countShow counts for the number of breadcrumbs logged on the map 
label_shipper_oversightShipper's Oversight IDShipper's Oversight ID
label_shipment_templateShipment TemplateShipment Template
label_shipment_temp_evalShipment Temperature EvaluationShipment Temperature Evaluation Text
label_shipment_startedShipment started 
label_shipment_nameShipment NameShipment name
label_shipment_evaluationShipment Late/On-Time EvaluationShipment Late/On-Time Evaluation
label_share_with_descriptionAllows you to make a copy of the serial number and shipment information in another company's site.Copy serail number
label_share_withShare WithShare With
label_share_tracker_locationShare Tracker LocationShare Tracker Location
label_share_locationShare LocationShare Location
label_set_geoenceSet GeofenceSet Geofence Label Text
label_serial_numberSerial NumberSerial Number
label_sensor_rangesSensor RangesSensor Ranges
label_sensor_chartSensor ChartSensor Chart header
label_selected_addressSelected AddressSelected Address Label
label_selectdate_messageSearch is restricted to active trackers from last 90 days.Date selection restriction
label_select_vehicle_groupSelect Alert GroupingSelect alert goup settings
label_select_time_zoneSelect Time ZoneSelect Time Zone
label_select_time_periodSelect Time PeriodSelect Time Period
label_select_shipment_templateSelect Shipment TemplateSelect Shipment Template
label_select_sensorSelect SensorSelect Sensor
label_select_routeSelect RouteSelect Route
label_select_retailerSelect RetailerSelecting a retailer from list
label_select_min_one_sensorPlease select at least one sensorPlease select at least one sensor
label_select_location_categorySelect Location CategorySelect Location Category
label_select_locationSelect LocationSelect Location
label_select_excelSelect File to Import (excel)Select Excel Import File
label_select_customerSelect CustomerSelect Customer
label_select_create_locationSelect / Create LocationSelect / Create Location
label_select_cool_downSelect Cool DownSelect Cool Down
label_select_contactSelect ContactSelect Contact - Text
label_select_columnsSelect ColumnsSelect Columns
label_select_colorSelect ColorSelect Color
label_select_carrierSelect CarrierSelect a carrier
label_search_routeSearch RouteSearch Route
label_search_locationSearch LocationSearch Location
label_search_contactSearch ContactSearch Contact - Text
label_scorecardOrigin, Destination, & Carrier ScorecardOrigin, Destination, & Carrier Scorecard
label_schedule_reportSchedule ReportSchedule Report
label_saved_geofenceSaved GeofenceSaved Geofence
label_save_geofenceSave GeofenceSave Geofence - Text
label_route_name_requiredRoute Name RequiredRoute Name Required
label_route_nameRoute NameRoute Name
label_route_exceptionRoute ExceptionsRoute Exceptions
label_route_deviation_reportRoute Deviation ReportRoute Deviation Report
label_resume_alerts_at_timeResume alerts at the specified timeResume alerts at the specified time
label_resume_alerts_at_locationsResume alerts when this tracker enters any of the selectedResume alerts when this tracker enters any of the selected
label_resetpasswordcontentPlease enter your email address to receive instructions via email to reset password 
label_reset_routeReset RouteRoute Route
label_reset_defaultReset to DefaultReset Filter to Default
label_requestsigninPlease Sign InPlease Sign In
label_report_typeReport TypeReport Type
label_report_nameReport NameReport Name
label_remembermeRemember MeRemember Me
label_record_noRecord NoRecord No
label_recent_contactsRecent ContactsRecent Contacts
label_receiver_poReceiver PO#接收方采购订单
label_provide_radius_for_center_pointProvide radius for center pointProvide radius for center point Text
label_probetempProbe TempLabel: Probe Temp
label_probe_reconnectedProbe ReconnectedProbe Reconnected
label_probe_disconnectedProbe DisconnectedProbe Disconnected
label_primary_contactPrimary Contactlabel_primary_contact
label_premium_dashboard_trialPremium Dashboard TrialPremium Dashboard Trial Text
label_premium_dashboardPremium DashboardPremium Dashboard Text
label_po_#PO #PO #
label_pending_geofencePending GeofencePending Geofence Text
label_passwordrequirementsPassword requirementsPassword requirements
label_oversight_2_trainingOversight 2 TrainingOversight 2 Training
label_origin_nameOrigin NameOrigin Name
label_origin_location_nameOrigin Location NameOrigin Location Name
label_origin_contact_detailsOrigin Contact DetailsOrigin Contact Details
label_offlinechatChat is OfflineLive Chat is Offline
label_non_china_addressNon China AddressNon China Address
label_no_temperature_requiredNo Temperature Information Required.No Temperature Information Required
label_No_Sensors_Attached No sensors attached for this vehicle No sensors attached for this vehicle
label_no_programNo ProgramNo Program - Text
label_no_destination_requiredNo Destination RequiredNo Destination Required
label_nist_calibration_statementsNIST Calibration StatementsNIST Calibration Statements
label_new_passwordNew Password 
label_new_contactNew ContactNew Contact - Text
label_model_nameModel NameModel Name
label_mobileMobileMobile - Text
label_minimum_tracker_inventoryMinimum Tracker InventoryMinimum Tracker Inventory Label
label_min_max_chart_valuesMin/Max Chart ValuesMin/Max Chart Values
label_max_way_pointsOnly up to 25 way points can be addedMax way points
label_matching_locationsMatching Location(s) foundAddress duplicate check Matching Location(s) found
label_location_typeLocation TypeLocation Type
label_location_postalcodePostal CodePostal Code
label_location_nameLocation NameLocation Name
label_location_contactsLocation ContactsLocation Contactsl Text
label_location_ContactLocation Contact 
label_location_colorLocation ColorLocation Color
label_location_categoryLocation CategoryLocation Category
label_location_alertsLocation AlertsLocation Alerts
label_location_alert_detectedLocation alert detected 
label_location_address_descriptionCity, State, Postal CodeCity, State, Postal Code
label_location_addressLocation AddressLocation Address
label_livechatLive ChatLive Chat
label_light_detected_shipment_openLight detected shipment open 
label_light_detected_alertLight detected alert 
label_last_reported_infoLast reported info 
label_last_nameLast NameLast Name
label_last_geo_fenceLast Geo FenceLast Geo Fence
label_last_4_digitsLast 4 DigitsLast four digits of serial number
label_languagePreferred LanguagePreferred Language
label_lane_description_optionalLane Description (OPTIONAL)Lane Description (OPTIONAL)
label_lane_descriptionLane DescriptionLane Description
label_items_selectedItems SelectedItems Selected
label_is_premiumIs Premium 
label_integration_idIntegration ID 
label_instructionsInstructionsInstructions Text
label_inbound_outbound_descriptionUse the Inbound/Outbound feature.Use the Inbound/Outbound feature
label_humidityHumidityLabel: Humidity
label_high_warning_alertHigh warning alertHigh warning alert
label_high_critical_alertHigh critical alertHigh critical alert
label_get_trip_statusGet Trip StatusGet Trip Status
label_get_standardNo Thanks, I like standard 
label_get_premiumGet Premium 
label_get_freeGet Free 
label_geofence_radiusGeofence RadiusGeofence Radius
label_geofence_creationGeofence CreationGeofence Creation Text
label_generate_sensor_chartGenerate Sensor ChartGenerate Sensor Chart
label_fuellevelFuel LevelLabel: Fuel Level
label_free_trial_endYour Premium Trial has ended. Upgrade to PremiumFree Trial has ended. Upgrade to Premium - Text
label_free_trialUnlock a richer data set with our 7-day free trialUnlock 7-day free trial - Text
label_first_nameFirst NameFirst Name
label_find_locationFind LocationFind Location Label
label_find_address_coordsFind Address by CoordinatesFind Address by Coordinates
label_find_addressFind AddressFind Address Label
label_export_to_pdfExport to PDFExport to PDF
label_export_formatExport FormatExport Format
label_estimated_loading_minutesEstimated Loading MinutesEstimated Loading Minutes
label_estimated_flight_minutesEstimated Flight MinutesEstimated Flight Minutes
label_enter_template_nameEnter Template NameEnter Template Name - Text
label_enter_shipment_nameEnter Shipment NameEnter shipment name
label_enter_serial_numberEnter Serial NumberInput field for serial number
label_enter_route_nameEnter Route NameRoute Route
label_enter_origin_nameEnter Origin NameEnter Origin Name
label_enter_destination_nameEnter Destination NameEnter Destination Name
label_end_trip_at_each_destinationEnd Trip at Each DestinationEnd Trip at Each Destination
label_end_optionEnd OptionEnd Option
label_email_reportEmail ReportReport Header Email Report
label_edit_templateEdit Template 
label_edit_routeSelect Route to Edit (or continue with new route)Edit Route
label_edit_locationEdit LocationEdit Location
label_edit_dashboardEdit Dashboard 
label_edit_customer_dashboardEdit Customer Dashboard 
label_edit_contactEdit ContactEdit Contact - Text
label_draw_geo_fenceDraw fence postsDraw fence posts Text
label_drag_circle_draw_infoClick on the map and drag outward, release click when complete.Instruction to drag and draw circle
label_distribution_centerDistribution CenterDistribution Center
label_display_shock_alertsDisplay Shock AlertsDisplay Shock Alerts
label_display_alertsDisplay AlertsDisplay Alerts
label_digits_only_messageDigits only (no spaces or dashes) & first digit should not be zeroDigits only (no spaces or dashes) & first digit should not be zero
label_deviation_countDeviation CountDeviation Count
label_destination_nameDestination NameDestination Name
label_destination_location_nameDestination Location NameDestination Location Name
label_destination_contact_detailsDestination Contact DetailsDestination Contact Details
label_dest_radial_visualizationDestination Radial VisualizationDestination Radial Visualization
label_departure_alert_zoneDeparture Alert ZoneDeparture Alert Zone
label_delivery_statusDelivery StatusDelivery Status
label_delete_tripDelete TripDelete Trip
label_delete_shipmentDelete ShipmentDelete Shipment
label_delete_routeDelete RouteDelete Route
label_delete_geofenceDelete GeofenceDelete Geofence - Text
label_define_tripDefine TripDefine Trip
label_days_to_runDays to run this reportDays to run this report
label_dateformatDate FormatDate Format
label_data_cleansingCarrier, Origin, Destination data cleansingCarrier, Origin, Destination data cleansing
label_dashboard_nameDashboard Name 
label_customer_saved_locationsCustomer saved locations 
label_custom_fence_draw_infoUse the left mouse button to define the perimeter of the fence. Left-click the first fence post to complete the fence.Instruction to draw fence post
label_current_locationCurrent LocationCurrent Location
label_createtemplate_disabled_dualvis Please contact if you would like to add a new template.Template disabled
label_createsensorrange_disabled_dualvis Please contact if you would like to add a new sensor range.Sensor Range disabled
label_created_dateCreated DateCreated Date
label_createaddress_disabled_dualvis Please contact if you would like to add a new location.Create Address Disabled in Dual Vis mode
label_create_shipment_form_headerCreate a ShipmentHeader for create shipment form
label_create_new_templateCreate New Template 
label_create_new_locationCreate New LocationCreate New Location
label_create_new_dashboardCreate New Dashboard 
label_country_prefix_requiredCountry prefix is required (e.g. '1' for U.S.)Country prefix is required (e.g. '1' for U.S.)
label_copy_from_descriptionAllows you to use a tracker serial number that is assigned to another company. Please note the customer can still use this serial number and assign their own shipment information in their site.Copy from description
label_copy_fromCopy FromCopy From
label_cool_downCool DownCool Down
label_contacts_assigned_toContacts assigned toContacts assigned to - Text
label_contactsContactsContacts Label
label_contact_typeContact TypeContact Type
label_contact_methodPreferred Contact MethodPreferred Contact Method
label_contact_emailContact EmailContact Email
label_contact_cellContact CellContact Cell
label_confirm_new_passwordConfirm New Password 
label_confirm_messageAre you sure you want to delete this?Are you sure you want to delete this? - Text
label_Confirm_locationConfirm LocationConfirm Location
label_completed_onlyCompleted Trips onlyCompleted Trips only
label_commodity_filterMultiple Commodities FilterMultiple Commodities Filter
label_column_selectionColumn SelectionColumn Selection
label_color_codeLocation Color CodeLocation Color Code
label_click_and_dragClick and dragClick and drag Text
label_clear_filterClear FiltersClear Filters
label_clear_allClear RouteClear Route
label_circle_draw_infoProvide a radius for the address below.Instruction to draw circle with radius
label_choose_carrierChoose CarrierChoose a carrier
label_changepasswordspecialcharecterAt least one special characterAt least one special character
label_changepasswordmincharecters8 characters minimum8 characters minimum
label_changepasswordcontentYou will be required to change your password after password resetChange Password
label_change_addressChange AddressChange Address Label
label_cfa_supplier_tgChick-fil-A Supplier Training GuideChick-fil-A Supplier Training Guide
label_cfa_redistribution_tgRedistribution Center Training GuideRedistribution Center Training Guide
label_cfa_nondirect_tgNon-direct one page instructions Non-direct one page instructions
label_cfa_distribution_center_tgDistribution Center Training GuideDistribution Center Training Guide
label_cfa_direct_tgDirect One page instructionsDirect One page instructions
label_cell_phoneCell PhoneCell Phone
label_carrier_nameCarrier NameCarrier Name
label_carrier_evaluationCarrier Performance EvaluationCarrier Performance Evaluation
label_carrier_emailsCarrier Email(s)Carrier Email(s)
label_carrier_email_help_textTo add multiple emails, type email addresses separated with commas.To add multiple emails, type email addresses separated with commas.
label_carrier_dest_filterCarrier & Destination FilterCarrier & Destination Filter
label_carbondioxideCO2Label: CO2
label_background_colorBackground ColorBackground Color
label_average_temperatureAverage Temperature 
label_autorefreshAuto RefreshAuto Refresh
label_autherrormessageInvalid Username or PasswordInvalid Username or Password
label_assign_dashboardAssign Dashboard 
label_assign_contactAssign ContactAssign Contact - Text
label_arrival_alert_zoneArrival Alert ZoneArrival Alert Zone
label_api_urlAPI URLAPI URL
label_api_keyAPI KeyAPI Key
label_alert_time_zoneAlert Time ZoneAlert Time Zone
label_alert_reportAlert ReportAlert Report
label_alert_escalation_levels_help_textSelect which escalation levels will be sent to the Carrier Emails above.Select which escalation levels will be sent to the Carrier Emails above.
label_alert_escalation_levelsAlert Escalation LevelsAlert Escalation Levels
label_airport_departureAirport DepartureAirport Departure
label_airport_arrival_departureAirport Arrival / DepartureAirport Arrival / Departure
label_airport_arrivalAirport ArrivalAirport Arrival
label_air_freightAir FreightAir Freight
label_address_searchAddress SearchAddress Search
label_address_line1Address Line 1Address Line 1
label_additional_stopsAdditional StopsAdditional Stops
label_additional_alert_contacts_optionalAdditional Alert Contacts (OPTIONAL)Additional Alert Contacts (OPTIONAL)
label_additional_alert_contactsAdditional Alert ContactsAdditional Alert Contacts
label_add_origin_contactAdd Origin ContactAdd Origin Contact
label_add_noteAdd NoteAdd Note
label_add_locationAdd LocationAdd Location
label_add_destination_contactAdd Destination ContactAdd Destination Contact
label_add_dashboardAdd Dashboard 
label_add_contactAdd ContactAdd Contact
label_actual_startActual StartActual Start
label_actual_endActual EndActual End
label_24_hour24 hour24 hour
label_12_hour12 hour12 hour
ips_report_label_tripnameTrip NameTrip Name
ips_report_label_serial_numberSerial #Serial #
ips_report_label_mean_kinetic_temperatureMean Kinetic TemperatureMean Kinetic Temperature
ips_report_label_last_reported_timeLast Reported TimeLast Reported Time
ips_report_label_distance_to_destinationDistance To DestinationDistance To Destination
ips_report_label_current_temperatureCurrent TemperatureCurrent Temperature
ips_report_label_cur_loc_nameCur Loc NameCur Loc Name
ips_report_headerIn Progress ShipmentsIn Progress Shipments
Invalid_Tracker_SelectedPlease select Locus Serial from the suggested Serial Numbers ListPlease select Locus Serial from the suggested Serial Numbers List
invalid_serial_numberPlease enter a valid serial numberPlease enter a valid serial number
invalid_api_keyEntered API Key is invalid, please checkEntered API Key is invalid, please check
integration_id_requiredIntegration ID Required 
inbound_outbound_descriptionSelect if you would like the tracker to continue reporting from distribution center to restaurantSelect if you would like the tracker to continue reporting from distribution center to restaurant
in_progressIn ProgressTrips that are in progress (started but not yet reached their destination)
historical_shipmentsHistorical ShipmentsHistorical Shipments (header for section showing previous trips)
high_warning_temperatureHigh Warning TemperatureHigh Warning Temperature (warning alert sent if temperature rises above this value)
high_warning_criticalHigh Warning / CriticalHigh warning/critical (e.g. temperature is high, above a high warning or critical threshold)
high_warningHigh WarningHigh warning (e.g. temperature is high, above a high warning threshold)
high_critical_temperatureHigh Critical TemperatureHigh Critical Temperature (critical alert sent if temperature rises above this value)
high_critical_requiredHigh critical requiredHigh critical required
high_critical_humidityHigh Critical HumidityHigh Critical Humidity
high_critical_co2High Critical CO2High Critical CO2
high_critical_alert_countHigh Critical Alert Countnumber of alerts generated due to sensor value above the high critical threshold
high_criticalHigh CriticalHigh critical (e.g. temperature is very high, above a high critical threshold)
greater_end_timeEnd time must be greater than Start timeEnd time must be greater than Start time
FromFromDistance from, as in From point A To point B
for_immediate_assistance_copelandFor immediate assistance, please contact the Copeland Oversight 24/7 Help Desk at 877-998-7299. We're always open.For immediate assistance, please contact the Copeland Oversight 24/7 Help Desk at 877-998-7299. We're always open.
for_immediate_assistanceFor immediate assistance, please contact the Emerson Oversight 24/7 Help Desk at 877-998-7299. We're always open.For immediate assistance, please contact the Emerson Oversight
first_name_requiredFirst Name RequiredFirst Name Required Message
firstFirstNavigate to first page
fcsa_report_label_trip_statusTrip StatusTrip Status
fcsa_report_label_tracker_serial_numberTracker Serial NumberTracker Serial Number
fcsa_report_label_last_reportedLast ReportedLast Reported
fcsa_report_label_fuel_levelFuel LevelFuel Level
fcsa_report_label_device_idDevice IDDevice ID
fcsa_report_label_company_nameCompany NameCompany Name
fcsa_report_headerCurrent Status (All DBs)Current Status (All DBs)
exited_geoFenceExited GeoFenceExited GeoFence
estimated_loading_minutes_requiredEstimated Loading Minutes RequiredEstimated Loading Minutes Required
estimated_flight_minutes_requiredEstimated Flight Minutes RequiredEstimated Flight Minutes Required
error_user_not_registeredThe email address is not registered in the systemThe email address is not registered in the system
error_unknownAn unexpected error occurredUnknown Error
error_tracker_not_foundInvalid Tracker Serial NumberInvalid Tracker Serial Number
error_tracker_not_assignedTracker is not assigned. Please contact customer supportTracker is not assigned. Please contact customer support
error_service_unavailableThe server is not currently availableServer Unavailable
error_server_timeoutThe server did not respond to the requestServer Timeout
error_server_errorAn error occured on the serverServer Error
error_sensorrange_name_requiredSensor range name is requiredSensor range name is required
error_request_not_validRequest not validRequest not valid
error_numeric_phonePhone accepts only numbersPhone accepts only numbers
error_no_permission_tracker_searchThe customer assigned to this tracker does not allow Tracker Search. Please contact customer supportThe customer assigned to this tracker does not allow Tracker Search. Please contact customer support
error_login_errorAn error caused signin to failLogin Error
error_location_not_foundLocation not foundLocation not found
error_invalid_sensor_range_low_valuesSensor Range Low Critical value must be lower than or equal to Low Warn value.Sensor Range Low Critical value must be lower than or equal to Low Warn value.
error_invalid_sensor_range_high_valuesSensor Range High Warning value must be lower than or equal to High Critical value.Sensor Range High Warning value must be lower than or equal to High Critical value.
error_email_requiredEmail is requiredEmail is required
error_email_invalidInvalid emailInvalid email
error_deleting_dv_tripCannot delete shared/copied shipment. 
error_cell_number_requiredPlease enter cell phone number.Please enter cell phone number
entered_geoFenceEntered GeoFenceEntered GeoFence
enhanced_db_optionsClick here for enhanced dashboard optionsClick here for enhanced dashboard options Text
end_date_requiredEnd Date/Time RequiredEnd Date/Time Required
emerson_oversight_report_messageEmerson Oversight Report MessageEmerson Oversight Report Message
email_requiredPlease enter or select atleast one e-mail address to send the reportEmail required validation message
email_bodyThe report you requested is attached to this email.The report you requested is attached to this email.
edi_transfer_numberEDI TRANSFER #Shipment transfer number that was submitted electronically via EDI
driver_phone_numberDriver Phone NumberDriver Phone Number
download_progress_titleYour requested download has startedYour requested download has started
download_progress_messageDepending on the amount of data it could take up to a minute to completeDepending on the amount of data it could take up to a minute to complete
download_progressYour requested download has started. Depending on the amount of data it could take up to a minute to complete.Download Size message
download_completeYour requested download has completedDownload Complete
distance_to_destinationDistance to DestinationDistance from current location to trip destination
distance_toDistance Tobutton to calculate distance to specified target
directionsDirectionsDirections from current location to target location
destinationsDestinationsShipment destination locations
destination_name_requiredDestination Name RequiredDestination Name Required
destination_location_name_requiredDestination Location Name RequiredA destination must be specified
destination_etaDestination ETADestination ETA - Text
destinationDestinationShipment destination location
departure_date_time_requiredScheduled Start Time RequiredScheduled Start Time Required
default_email_messageThe report you requested is attached to this emailDefault Email Body
date_format_mmddyyyyMMDDYYYYDate Format MMDDYYYY
date_format_ddmmyyyyDDMMYYYYDate Format DDMMYYYY
dashboard_unassign_successDashboard unassigned successfully 
dashboard_requiredPlease Select Dashboard 
dashboard_name_requiredDashboard Name Required 
dashboard_delete_successDashboard deleted successfully 
customer_not_foundCustomer Not FoundCustomer Not Found
current_shipmentCurrent ShipmentCurrent Shipment (header for section showing info about current shipment)
current_filtersCurrent FiltersThe current filters that are configured to control the data displayed
ct_report_label_trip_nameTrip NameTrip Name
ct_report_label_trip_durationTrip Duration(dd:hh:mm)Trip Duration(dd:hh:mm)
ct_report_label_time_below_out_of_rangeTime Below Out of Range(dd:hh:mm)Time Below Out of Range(dd:hh:mm)
ct_report_label_time_above_out_of_rangeTime Above Out of Range(dd:hh:mm)Time Above Out of Range(dd:hh:mm)
ct_report_label_temperature_standard_deviationTemperature Standard DeviationTemperature Standard Deviation
ct_report_label_shipment_creation_dateShipment Creation DateShipment Creation Date
ct_report_label_scheduled_endScheduled EndScheduled End
ct_report_label_scheduled_beginScheduled BeginScheduled Begin
ct_report_label_receiver_po_numberReceiver PO #ReceiverPONum
ct_report_label_out_of_range_durationOut of Range Duration(dd:hh:mm)Out of Range Duration(dd:hh:mm)
ct_report_label_origin_stateOrigin StateOrigin State
ct_report_label_origin_cityOrigin CityOrigin City
ct_report_label_origin_addressOrigin AddressOrigin Address
ct_report_label_order_numberOrder NumberOrder Number
ct_report_label_minimum_temperatureMinimum TemperatureMinimum Temperature
ct_report_label_mean_kinetic_temperatureMean Kinetic TemperatureMean Kinetic Temperature
ct_report_label_maximum_temperatureMaximum TemperatureMaximum Temperature
ct_report_label_low_warning_temperatureLow Warning TemperatureLow Warning Temperature
ct_report_label_low_warning_alert_countLow Warning Alert CountLow Warning Alert Count
ct_report_label_low_critical_temperatureLow Critical TemperatureLow Critical Temperature
ct_report_label_low_critical_alert_countLow Critical Alert CountLow Critical Alert Count
ct_report_label_high_warning_temperatureHigh Warning TemperatureHigh Warning Temperature
ct_report_label_high_warning_alert_countHigh Warning Alert CountHigh Warning Alert Count
ct_report_label_high_critical_temperatureHigh Critical TemperatureHigh Critical Temperature
ct_report_label_high_critical_alert_countHigh Critical Alert CountHigh Critical Alert Count
ct_report_label_global_device_idGlobal Device IDGlobal Device ID
ct_report_label_destination_stateDestination StateDestination State
ct_report_label_destination_cityDestination CityDestination City
ct_report_label_destination_addressDestination AddressDestination Address
ct_report_label_customer_idCustomer IDCustomer ID
ct_report_label_company_nameCompany NameCompany Name
ct_report_label_carrier_nameCarrier NameCarrier Name
ct_report_label_average_temperatureAverage TemperatureAverage Temperature
ct_report_label_airport_departure_location_nameAirport Departure Location NameAirport Departure Location Name
ct_report_label_airport_arrival_location_nameAirport Arrival Location NameAirport Arrival Location Name
ct_report_label_actual_endActual EndActual End
ct_report_label_actual_beginActual BeginActual Begin
cs_report_trip_stateTrip StateTrip State
cs_report_trip_nameTrip NameTrip Name
cs_report_trip_descriptionDescriptionTrip description
cs_report_totalsontimelateTotals (On Time/Late)Totals (On Time/Late)
cs_report_serial_numberSerial NumberSerial Number
cs_report_scheduled_start_date_timeScheduled Start Date/TimeScheduled Start Date/Time
cs_report_scheduled_end_date_timeScheduled End Date/TimeScheduled End Date/Time
cs_report_next_stop_is_end_locationNext Stop Is End LocationNext Stop Is End Location
cs_report_next_stopNext StopNext Stop
cs_report_last_reported_locationLast Reported LocationLast Reported Location
cs_report_last_reported_coordinatesLast Reported CoordinatesLast Reported Coordinates
cs_report_last_reportedLast ReportedLast Reported
cs_report_distance_to_next_stopDistance To Next StopDistance To Next Stop
cs_report_distance_to_destinationDistance To DestinationDistance To Destination
cs_report_distance_from_originDistance From OriginDistance From Origin
cs_report_delivery_statusDelivery StatusDelivery Status
cs_report_current_temperatureCurrent TemperatureCurrent Temperature
cs_report_current_location_nameCurrent Location NameCurrent Location Name
cs_report_battery_levelBattery LevelBattery Level
cs_report_actual_start_date_timeActual Start Date/TimeActual Start Date/Time
cs_report_actual_end_date_timeActual End Date/TimeActual End Date/Time
create_shipmentCreate ShipmentCreate Shipment (button to create a new shipment)
create_new_sensor_rangeCreate New Sensor RangeCreate New Sensor Range
count_bubble_defaultBy default Oversight shows the count bubble if the count is greater than 25 breadcrumbs at the same location. 
count_bubble_checkedIf this check box is checked then Oversight will show all count bubbles for 3 or more breadcrumbs at the same location. 
count_bubbleThe count bubble represents the number of breadcrumbs logged at the same location. 
copeland_oversight_report_messageCopeland Oversight Report MessageCopeland Oversight Report Message
continue_with_current_locationOR continue with current Location 
continue_create_locationOr continue to create new LocationContinue to create new Location Text
container_numberContainer NumberContainer Number
contact_requiredPlease select a contact to assignPlease select a contact to assign - Text
contact_method_messageText MessageTextMessage
confirm_proceedWould you like to proceed?Would you like to proceed?
condition_durationCondition DurationThe duration (days/hours/minutes) of the alert condition
Common_TypeLists_AlertSeverity_WarningWarningAlert Severity Warning
Common_TypeLists_AlertSeverity_UndefinedUndefinedAlert Severity Undefined
Common_TypeLists_AlertSeverity_CriticalCriticalAlert Severity Critical
commentsCommentsshipment comments
color_YellowGreenYellow GreenColor: Yellow Green
color_YellowYellowColor: Yellow
color_VioletVioletColor: Violet
color_TurquoiseTurquoiseColor: Turquoise
color_TomatoTomatoColor: Tomato
color_ThistleThistleColor: Thistle
color_TanTanColor: Tan
color_SteelBlueSteel BlueColor: Steel Blue
color_SpringGreenSpring GreenColor: Spring Green
color_SlateGraySlateGrayColor: SlateGray
color_SlateBlueSlate BlueColor: Slate Blue
color_SkyBlueSky BlueColor: Sky Blue
color_SilverSilverColor: Silver
color_SiennaSiennaColor: Sienna
color_SeaGreenSea GreenColor: Sea Green
color_SandyBrownSandy BrownColor: Sandy Brown
color_SalmonSalmonColor: Salmon
color_SaddleBrownSaddle BrownColor: Saddle Brown
color_RoyalBlueRoyal BlueColor: Royal Blue
color_RosyBrownRosy BrownColor: Rosy Brown
color_RedRedColor: Red
color_PurplePurpleColor: Purple
color_PowderBluePowder BlueColor: Powder Blue
color_PlumPlumColor: Plum
color_PinkPinkColor: Pink
color_PeruPeruColor: Peru
color_PaleVioletRedPale Violet RedColor: Pale Violet Red
color_PaleTurquoisePale TurquoiseColor: Pale Turquoise
color_PaleGreenPale GreenColor: Pale Green
color_PaleGoldenRodPale Golden RodColor: Pale Golden Rod
color_OrchidOrchidColor: Orchid
color_OrangeRedOrange RedColor: Orange Red
color_OrangeOrangeColor: Orange
color_OliveDrabOlive DrabColor: Olive Drab
color_OliveOliveColor: Olive
color_NavyNavyColor: Navy
color_MidnightBlueMidnight BlueColor: Midnight Blue
color_MediumVioletRedMedium Violet RedColor: Medium Violet Red
color_MediumTurquoiseMedium TurquoiseColor: Medium Turquoise
color_MediumSpringGreenMedium Spring GreenColor: Medium Spring Green
color_MediumSlateBlueMedium Slate BlueColor: Medium Slate Blue
color_MediumSeaGreenMedium Sea GreenColor: Medium Sea Green
color_MediumPurpleMedium PurpleColor: Medium Purple
color_MediumOrchidMedium OrchidColor: Medium Orchid
color_MediumBlueMedium BlueColor: Medium Blue
color_MediumAquaMarineMedium Aqua MarineColor: Medium Aqua Marine
color_MaroonMaroonColor: Maroon
color_MagentaMagentaColor: Magenta
color_LimeGreenLime GreenColor: Lime Green
color_LimeLimeColor: Lime
color_LightSteelBlueLight Steel BlueColor: Light Steel Blue
color_LightSlateGrayLight Slate GrayColor: Light Slate Gray
color_LightSkyBlueLight Sky BlueColor: Light Sky Blue
color_LightSeaGreenLight Sea GreenColor: Light Sea Green
color_LightSalmonLight SalmonColor: Light Salmon
color_LightPinkLight PinkColor: Light Pink
color_LightGreenLight GreenColor: Light Green
color_LightGrayLight GrayColor: Light Gray
color_LightCyanLight CyanColor: Light Cyan
color_LightCoralLight CoralColor: Light Coral
color_LightBlueLight BlueColor: Light Blue
color_LawnGreenLawn GreenColor: Lawn Green
color_KhakiKhakiColor: Khaki
color_IndigoIndigoColor: Indigo
color_IndianRedIndian RedColor: Indian Red
color_HotPinkHot PinkColor: Hot Pink
color_GreenYellowGreen YellowColor: Green Yellow
color_GreenGreenColor: Green
color_GrayGrayColor: Gray
color_GoldenRodGolden RodColor: Golden Rod
color_GoldGoldColor: Gold
color_ForestGreenForest GreenColor: Forest Green
color_FireBrickFire BrickColor: Fire Brick
color_DodgerBlueDodger BlueColor: Dodger Blue
color_DimGrayDim GrayColor: Dim Gray
color_DeepSkyBlueDeep Sky BlueColor: Deep Sky Blue
color_DeepPinkDeep PinkColor: Deep Pink
color_DarkVioletDark VioletColor: Dark Violet
color_DarkTurquoiseDark TurquoiseColor: Dark Turquoise
color_DarkSlateGrayDark Slate GrayColor: Dark Slate Gray
color_DarkSlateBlueDark Slate BlueColor: Dark Slate Blue
color_DarkSeaGreenDark Sea GreenColor: Dark Sea Green
color_DarkSalmonDark SalmonColor: Dark Salmon
color_DarkRedDark RedColor: Dark Red
color_DarkOrchidDark OrchidColor: Dark Orchid
color_DarkOrangeDark OrangeColor: Dark Orange
color_DarkOliveGreenDark Olive GreenColor: Dark Olive Green
color_DarkKhakiDark KhakiColor: Dark Khaki
color_DarkGreenDark GreenColor: Dark Green
color_DarkGrayDark GrayColor: Dark Gray
color_DarkGoldenRodDark Golden RodColor: Dark Golden Rod
color_DarkCyanDark CyanColor: Dark Cyan
color_DarkBlueDark BlueColor: Dark Blue
color_CyanCyanColor: Cyan
color_CrimsonCrimsonColor: Crimson
color_CornflowerBlueCornflower BlueColor: Cornflower Blue
color_CoralCoralColor: Coral
color_ChocolateChocolateColor: Chocolate
color_ChartreuseChartreuseColor: Chartreuse
color_CadetBlueCadet BlueColor: Cadet Blue
color_BurlyWoodBurly WoodColor: Burly Wood
color_BrownBrownColor: Brown
color_BlueVioletBlue VioletColor: Blue Violet
color_BlueBlueColor: Blue
color_BeigeBeigeColor: Beige
color_AquamarineAquamarineColor: Aquamarine
close_windowClose Windowclose the current popup window
close_shipmentClose ShipmentClose Shipment (button to indicate the trip is over)
close_alertClose AlertRemove the alert notification from the alert summary
closeCloseClose (button to create a panel)
click_hereclick hereclick here Text
city_name_requiredValueCity Name RequiredCity Name Required
city_name_requiredCity Name RequiredCity Name Required
choose_carrierChoose Carrierchoose carrier
carriersCarriersCarriers (shipping companies)
carrier_name_requiredCarrier name requiredCarrier name required
carrier_nameCarrier NameCarrier Name
carrierCarrierCarrier (shipping company)
cargo_sensor_rangeCargo Sensor RangeSafe sensor range for the shipment contents (e.g. 1°C to 5°C)
cargo_name_requiredCargo name RequiredCargo name Required
cargo_nameCargo NameCargo Name
cargoCargoContents of the truck
calibration_statementCalibration StatementCalibration Statement
button_show_breadcrumbShow BreadcrumbShow Breadcrumb
button_pinPinFilters button Pin
button_hide_breadcrumbHide BreadcrumbHide Breadcrumb
button_hideHideFilters button Hide
below_tempBelow TemperatureBelow Temperature (filter for shipments that have low termperature alerts)
battery_levelBattery LevelBattery Level (percentage battery life remaining or actual voltage remaining)
avg_temp_headerAvg TempAvg Temp header
avg_probe_headerAvg Probe TempAvg Probe Temp Header
avg_humidity_headerAvg HumidityAvg Humidity header
avg_fuel_level_headerAvg Fuel LevelAvg Fuel Level Header
avg_carbon_headerAvg CO2Avg Carbon Dioxide Header
arrival_date_time_requiredScheduled End Time RequiredScheduled End Time Required
all_shipmentsAll ShipmentsAll trips, regardless of state (pending, in progress, completed)
all_breadcrumbsAll Data Pointsall data points
AlertType_TemperatureBelowSensorRangeTemperature Below SensorRangeTemperature Below SensorRange
AlertType_TemperatureAboveSensorRangeTemperature Above SensorRangeTemperature Above SensorRange
AlertType_ShockDetectedShock DetectedAlert Shock Detected
AlertType_ProbeTemperatureProbe Temperature 
AlertType_ProbeReconnectedProbe ReconnectedProbe Reconnected
AlertType_ProbeDisconnectedProbe DisconnectedProbe Disconnected
AlertType_DoorOpenNotAtDestinationDoor opened before destination 
alerttrackerfleet_report_headerAlert SummaryAlert Summary
alerttrackerfleet_data_tableData TableData Table
alertstatus_report_label_serial_numberSerial #Serial #
alertstatus_report_label_alert_typeAlert TypeAlert Type
alertstatus_report_label_alert_idAlert IDAlert ID
alertstatus_report_label_action_timeAction TimeAction Time
alertstatus_report_headerAlert StatusAlert Status
alerts_suspendedAlerts are currently suspended for this TrackerAlerts are currently suspended for this Tracker
alerts_summaryAlerts SummaryAlerts Summary (header for section showing current alert information)
alerts_remain_suspendedAlerts will remain suspended until the date selectedAlerts will remain suspended until the date selected
alerts_not_suspendedAlerts are not suspendedAlerts are not suspended
AlertEscalationLevel_7Level 7Alert escalation level 7
AlertEscalationLevel_6Level 6Alert escalation level 6
AlertEscalationLevel_5Level 5Alert escalation level 5
AlertEscalationLevel_4Level 4Alert escalation level 4
AlertEscalationLevel_3Level 3Alert escalation level 3
AlertEscalationLevel_2Level 2Alert escalation level 2
AlertEscalationLevel_1Level 1Alert escalation level 1
alert_typeAlert TypeType of alert (e.g. High Temperature, Late Shipment, etc)
alert_report_updatedReport schedule updated successfullyAlert Report Updated
alert_report_submittedYour request has been submitted and your report will be emailed to you when processing has completed.Report emailed success message
alert_numberAlert NumberAlert Number
alert_message_vehicle_exited_locationTracker exited a Location {0}Tracker exited a Location {0}
alert_message_vehicle_entered_locationTracker entered a Location {0}Tracker entered a Location {0}
alert_message_temperature_too_lowAlert! The temperature is too low. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.Alert! The temperature is too low. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.
alert_message_temperature_too_highAlert! The temperature is too high. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.Alert! The temperature is too high. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.
alert_message_started_tripThe tracker started its trip.The tracker started its trip.
alert_message_shockWarning! GO Secure has reported a shock alert. Your products may be at risk of theft.Warning! GO Secure has reported a shock alert. Your products may be at risk of theft.
alert_message_shipment_within_x_miles_tripstopYour shipment is within {0} miles of TripStop {1}Your shipment is within {0} miles of TripStop {1}
alert_message_shipment_within_x_miles_destinationYour shipment is within {0} miles of its destinationYour shipment is within {0} miles of its destination
alert_message_shipment_within_x_kilometers_tripstoYour shipment is within {0} kilometers of TripStop {1}Your shipment is within {0} kilometers of TripStop {1}
alert_message_shipment_within_x_kilometers_destinaYour shipment is within {0} kilometers of its destinationYour shipment is within {0} kilometers of its destination
alert_message_shipment_created_en_routeAlert! A Shipment has been created and is en route to {0}Alert! A Shipment has been created and is en route to {0}
alert_message_shipment_createdAlert! A Shipment has been created and is en route to destinationAlert! A Shipment has been created and is en route to destination
alert_message_sensor_below_critical_rangeSensor dropped below critical range.Sensor dropped below critical range.
alert_message_sensor_above_critical_rangeSensor is above critical range.Sensor is above critical range.
alert_message_probe_temperature_too_lowAlert! The probe temperature is too low. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.Alert! The probe temperature is too low. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.
alert_message_probe_temperature_too_highAlert! The probe temperature is too high. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.Alert! The probe temperature is too high. Immediate action is required to prevent damage to your product.
alert_message_probe_reconnectedThe tracker probe was reconnected and temperature monitoring is active.The tracker probe was reconnected and temperature monitoring is active.
alert_message_probe_disconnectedThe tracker probe is disconnected and temperature monitoring is interrupted.The tracker probe is disconnected and temperature monitoring is interrupted.
alert_message_moving_not_assignedAlert! Your shipment is at risk. A trailer is moving but is not assigned to a trip. No temperature alerts can be generated.Alert! Your shipment is at risk. A trailer is moving but is not assigned to a trip. No temperature alerts can be generated.
alert_message_light_on_without_tripLight ON detected without a tripLight ON detected without a trip
alert_message_light_on_while_trip_on_progressLight ON detected while trip in progressLight ON detected while trip in progress
alert_message_light_on_before_trip_startLight ON detected before trip startLight ON detected before trip start
alert_message_light_on_after_trip_endLight ON detected after trip endLight ON detected after trip end
alert_message_go_tracker_activatedA GO tracker was activated.A GO tracker was activated.
alert_message_exited_locationTracker exited a LocationTracker exited a Location
alert_message_excessive_dwellExcessive DwellExcessive Dwell
alert_message_entered_locationTracker entered a LocationTracker entered a Location
alert_message_door_opened_prior_to_destinationA door was opened prior to reaching the vehicle destinationA door was opened prior to reaching the vehicle destination
alert_message_completed_tripThe tracker completed its trip.The tracker completed its trip.
alert_message_bolt_cutThe bolt was cut or opened on the trackerThe bolt was cut or opened on the tracker
alert_message_battery_below_thresholdThe Tracker battery has dropped below the low battery threshold.The Tracker battery has dropped below the low battery threshold.
alert_label_when_trip_in_progresswhen Trip in Progresswhen Trip in Progress
alert_label_when_alert_triggeredWhen Alert TriggeredWhen Alert Triggered
alert_label_we_are_always_openWe are always openWe are always open
alert_label_utc_timeUTC TimeUTC Time
alert_label_trip_statusTrip StatusTrip Status
alert_label_trip_nameTrip NameTrip Name
alert_label_trip_detailsTrip DetailsTrip Details
alert_label_trip_descriptionTrip DescriptionTrip Description
alert_label_total_trip_durationTotal Trip DurationTotal Trip Duration
alert_label_total_time_out_of_rangeTotal Time Out of RangeTotal Time Out of Range
alert_label_this_email_may_containThis email may contain confidential or privileged information. If you received this email by mistake, please notify the sender and delete it without copying or sharing its contents.This email may contain confidential or privileged information. If you received this email by mistake, please notify the sender and delete it without copying or sharing its contents.
alert_label_shipment_nameShipment NameShipment Name
alert_label_serial_numberSerial #Serial #
alert_label_sensor_valueSensor ValueSensor Value
alert_label_sensor_reportClick here for the Sensor ReportClick here for the Sensor Report
alert_label_sensor_rangeSensor RangeSensor Range
alert_label_see_sensor_reportClick here to see the sensor reportClick here to see the sensor report
alert_label_see_alert_locationClick here to see the alert locationClick here to see the alert location
alert_label_scheduled_startScheduled StartScheduled Start
alert_label_scheduled_endScheduled EndScheduled End
alert_label_replies_to_this_emailReplies to this email are not monitored. For assistance, use the contact details above.Replies to this email are not monitored. For assistance, use the contact details above.
alert_label_receiver_po_numberReceiver PO #接收方采购订单
alert_label_received_in_errorIf you think you have received this email in error, please advise the sender by clickingIf you think you have received this email in error, please advise the sender by clicking
alert_label_please_do_not_reply_to_this_emailPlease Do Not Reply to This EmailPlease Do Not Reply to This Email
alert_label_please_do_not_replyPlease do not reply to this message. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox.For assistance, please contactPlease do not reply to this message.
alert_label_original_alert_locationOriginal Alert LocationOriginal Alert Location
alert_label_origin_site_nameOrigin Site NameOrigin Site Name
alert_label_order_numberOrder NumberOrder Number
alert_label_need_immediate_assistanceNeed Immediate Assistance?Need Immediate Assistance?
alert_label_low_warningLow WarningLow Warning
alert_label_low_criticalLow CriticalLow Critical
alert_label_location_when_alert_triggeredLocation when alert triggeredLocation when alert triggered
alert_label_last_reported_locationLast reported LocationLast reported Location
alert_label_lane_descriptionLane DescriptionLane Description
alert_label_immediate_assistance_sms_copelandFor immediate assistance, please contact CopelandFor immediate assistance, please contact Copeland
alert_label_immediate_assistance_smsFor immediate assistance, please contact the Emerson OversightFor immediate assistance, please contact the Emerson Oversight
alert_label_immediate_assistance_copelandFor immediate assistance, please contact CopelandFor immediate assistance, please contact Copeland
alert_label_immediate_assistanceFor immediate assistance, please contact EmersonFor immediate assistance, please contact Emerson
alert_label_high_warningHigh WarningHigh Warning
alert_label_high_criticalHigh CriticalHigh Critical
alert_label_help_desk_atHelp Desk atHelp Desk at
alert_label_go_to_oversightClick here to go to OversightClick here to go to Oversight
alert_label_field_last_geofenceLast Geo FenceLast Geo Fence
alert_label_event_mapEvent Map活动地图
alert_label_event_detailsEvent Details活动详情
alert_label_event_chartEvent Chart事件图
alert_label_emerson_oversight_alert_messageEmerson Oversight Alert MessageEmerson Oversight Alert Message
alert_label_download_tracker_status_reportDownload Tracker Status ReportDownload Tracker Status Report
alert_label_distribution_center_locationDC LocationDCLocation
alert_label_distribution_centerDistribution CenterDistribution Center
alert_label_distance_to_destinationDistance to DestinationDistance to Destination
alert_label_destination_site_nameDestination Site NameDestination Site Name
alert_label_delete_this_emailand then delete this email immediatelyand then delete this email immediately
alert_label_current_temperatureCurrent TemperatureCurrent Temperature
alert_label_current_humidityCurrent HumidityCurrent Humidity
alert_label_current_carbondioxideCurrent CO2Current CO2
alert_label_current_alert_durationCurrent Alert DurationCurrent Alert Duration
alert_label_copeland_oversight_alert_messageCopeland Oversight Alert MessageCopeland Oversight Alert Message
alert_label_confidentiality_noticeConfidentiality NoticeConfidentiality Notice
alert_label_confidential_delete This email may contain confidential
alert_label_confidentialThis email may contain confidential or privileged information.This email may contain confidential
alert_label_assign_to_a_tripClick here to assign to a TripClick here to assign to a Trip
alert_label_alert_timeAlert TimeAlert Time
alert_label_alert_temperatureAlert TemperatureAlert Temperature
alert_label_alert_start_timeAlert Start TimeAlert Start Time
alert_label_alert_messageAlert Message警报信息
alert_label_alert_levelAlert levelAlert level
alert_label_alert_humidityAlert HumidityAlert Humidity
alert_label_alert_escalation_levelAlert Escalation LevelAlert Escalation Level
alert_label_alert_detailsAlert DetailsAlert Details
alert_label_alert_countsAlert CountsAlert Counts
alert_label_actual_startActual StartActual Start
alert_label_actual_endActual EndActual End
alert_headline_temperature_too_low_warningCaution: The shipment is below the warning temperature limit.Caution: The shipment is below the warning temperature limit.
alert_headline_temperature_too_lowAlert: The minimum low temperature limit has been reached. Immediate action is required.Alert: The minimum low temperature limit has been reached. Immediate action is required.
alert_headline_temperature_too_high_warningCaution: The shipment is above the warning temperature limit.Caution: The shipment is above the warning temperature limit.
alert_headline_temperature_too_highAlert: The maximum high temperature limit has been reached. Immediate action is required.Alert: The maximum high temperature limit has been reached. Immediate action is required.
alert_headline_temperature_exceeded_safe_temperatuCaution: Your shipment has exceeded the maximum safe temperature.Caution: Your shipment has exceeded the maximum safe temperature.
alert_headline_probe_too_low_warningCaution: The shipment is below the probe warning temperature limit.Caution: The shipment is below the probe warning temperature limit.
alert_headline_probe_too_lowAlert: The minimum low probe temperature limit has been reached.Immediate action is required.Alert: The minimum low probe temperature limit has been reached.Immediate action is required.
alert_headline_probe_too_high_warningCaution: The shipment is above the probe warning temperature limit.Caution: The shipment is above the probe warning temperature limit.
alert_headline_probe_too_highAlert: The maximum high probe temperature limit has been reached.Immediate action is required.Alert: The maximum high probe temperature limit has been reached.Immediate action is required.
alert_durationAlert DurationAlert Duration
air_freight_per_shipmentYou can select one Air Freight stop per shipment.Create Shipment Air Freight restriction
add_templateAdd TemplateAdd Template - Text
add_rangeAdd RangeButton to add a sensor range (e.g. 1°C to 5°C for Strawberries)
actual_start_timeActual Start TimeTime the trip actually started (as opposed to the time it was scheduled to start)
actual_end_timeActual End TimeTime the trip actually ended (as opposed to the time it was scheduled to end)
above_tempAbove TemperatureAbove Temperature (filter for shipments that have high termperature alerts)